Baptismal Transcriptions from Jersey Archives, St. Helier
In the following, they are reproduced as provided – with all attendant errors in spelling and punctuation that, we presume, were in the originals. Following each, are our parenthetical comments.
1728/9 Feb 5 Jean fils de Mr AbrahamGosset et Ise Jeanne White 19 ; (Mr Jean Gosset grandpere dudt enfant et Mse Sara White femme de Jean :M:auger ettante audt enfant)
(Lists Jean, grandfather of the child, as godfather. Jean II was the father of Abraham who had married Jeanne White – and thus was grandfather of this child.)
1730 Sep 1 Jeanne fille de Mr Pierre Gosset et Xse Catherine du Four 40 (Xr Jean Gosset grandpere dudt enfant et Xse Jeanne Whi te femme de Mr Abraham Gosset et tante dudt enfant)
(Lists Jean, grandfather of the child, as godfather. Jean II was the father of Pierre who had married Catherine du Four – and thus was grandfather of this child.)
1733 Sep 2 Esther Jeanne fille de Mr Abraham Gosset et Mse Jeanne White 84 (Xr Jean Gosset Rrandpere dudt enfant et Mse Susanne Dallain sa femme et grenamere dudt enfant)
(Lists Jean, grandfather of the child, as godfather. Jean II was the father of Abraham who had married Jeanne White. Furthermore, the record lists Susanne D'Allain "his wife and grandmother of the child" as godmother. There can be no doubt that this Jean was Jean II.)
1736 June 6 Jean fils de :M:r Pierre Gossetet Mse Catherine du Four 124 (:M:r Jean Gosset grandpere dudt enfant et Mse Judith d'Allain sa femme et grandmere duat enfan.t)
(Lists Jean, grandfather of the child, as godfather. Jean II was the father of Pierre who had married Catherine du Four – and thus was grandfather of this child. Furthermore, the record lists Susanne D'Allain (albeit incorrectly as "Judith") "his wife and grandmother of the child" as godmother. There can be no doubt that this Jean was Jean II.)
1739/40 Feb 13 Mathieu fils de Mr Abraham Gosset et Mse Jeanne White 180 (Mr Pierre Gosset oncle dudt enfa.nt representant :M:o.nsr Mathieu Gosset de Londre et oncle dudt enfant et:M:se Susanne D'Allain femme de :M:r Jean Gosset et grandmere dudt enfant)
(Lists Susanne D'Allain, "wife of Mr. Jean Gosset and grandmother of the child," as godmother. This Jean cited in the entry was clearly Jean II. If he were deceased in 1739/40, the record would have referred to Susanne as "widow of Mr. Jean Gosset.")
1741 May 24 Marie fille de Mr Abraham Gosset et Mse Jeanne White 199 (Mr Jean Gosset grandpere dudt enfant et :M:se Susanne Dallain sa femme representant Monsr Mathieu Gosset de Londre et son Espouse)
(Lists Jean, grandfather of the child, as stand-in godfather; and lists Susanne D'Allain "his wife" as stand-in godmother – they were representing the actual godparents, Mr. Mathieu Gosset of London and his spouse. Jean II was Abraham's father; Susanne D'Allain was Jean II's wife. There can be no doubt that the Jean cited in this record was Jean II – and, more importantly, that he was alive in 1741.)