Matthias Gossett, Sr. (b 1736 PA; d 1812?)
Current Research to Help Demystify This Patriarch and His Three Sons
© 2012 (revised September 2015) by Eric Talla and Judith Gossett Talla
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical record of Matthias Gossett Sr. Current genealogists tend to use The Family of Gossett by Evangeline Gossett Newcomer as historical fact. Since its publication in 1954, 61 years ago, it has been the primary source for many Gossetts, especially following the line of Matthias (Sr.) Gossett’s oldest son, John (Sr.).
Personal research for the Judith Gossett Talla Family Tree has tried to make more complete the lineage of the other two sons of Matthias Gossett Sr., including Matthias Gossett Jr. and Jacob Gossett, the ancestor of Judith Gossett Talla.
With the current research various errors and inconsistencies with The Family of Gossett have been encountered. Also, old records which haven’t been presented, as well as recent discoveries (2015 solidifying of earlier presence of Matthias Gossett Sr., his wife Mary, and son John in Loudoun Cnty, VA) and research, help to give a much better picture of the life, residence, religion, vocation, and general life flow of this ancestor.
This research is presented in four sections followed by a list Resources used, description of Exhibits, and 7 pages of Exhibits.
Part I: A review of Deeds and Tithables covering 54 years, for Matthias Gossett Sr. (1736-1812?) and family in Loudoun County and Frederick (later Berkeley County), Virginia/West Virginia (in contrast to 5 years of Tithables used in The Family of Gossett).Part II: Was Matthias Gossett Sr. (1736-1812?) a clergyman with the Church of England? A review of the Vestry records of Frederick Parish and the Keepers of the Poor was completed.
Part III: A review of the Martinsburgh Gazette, Martinsburgh, Berkeley, Virginia, to discover the presence of Gossetts from 1810-1814.
Part IV: Matthias Gossett, Sr., Marriages Officiated??, Bourbon Co, KY, Books 1 and 2 and Related Information; research initially at Bourbon County. Courthouse, Paris, KY, May 2010.
This new evidence is compelling regarding the presence of the Matthias Gossett Sr. (1736-1812??) family in the Northern Neck of Virginia in this time period. Questions are raised regarding migration patterns and military service. Also, research demonstrates that Matthias Gossett Sr. (1736-1812??) wasn’t a clergyman or in Kentucky. It gives one a better basis for solving the genealogical puzzle, yet raises additional questions.
Feel free to contact the authors by email with questions, comments or further information at
Research by Eric and Judith Gossett Talla. Judy’s brother, Richard Larry Gossett, is a Gossett YDNA study participant.
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