Matthias Gossett, Sr.
Part III
Newspaper, Land Records, and Other Documents
Review of The Martinsburgh Gazette
Martingsburgh, Virginia
(Revised September 2015}
The purpose of this review was to discover whatever information could be gleaned about Matthias Gossett, Sr. (1736-1812?), or anyone related to him, using the Martinsburgh Gazette, Martinsburgh, Virginia, microfilm which covered July 27, 1810 - April 27, 1815; Jan 9, 1823 - Jan 7, 1848; and Feb 18, 1851 - Mar 7, 1855.
All newspaper issues were reviewed from July 27, 1810 through 1815, albeit various issues and dates were missing.
Two major impressions were made in this review. (1) Given Martinsburgh’s proximity to river ways, the Atlantic Coast, and other major cities, the amount of news reflecting the Nation and World was quite impressive -- covering the new U. S. government, French & Indian Wars and related militia activities, and European news. (2) Grossly lacking was the reporting of local news. An occasional wedding or funeral was mentioned -- usually stuck unobtrusively between other articles of national or world news. Legal notices by attorneys or private individuals seemed to be the bulk of local news. Advertisements also played a significant part. Notices about sale of Negroes (slave is not mentioned); and requests for information and reward for the return of not only Negroes, but of indentured servants or those who left apprenticeships.
The research revealed four times that the Gossett Family is mentioned.
In the edition of 27 July 1810, “Should the following not be taken up by the first of October next, they will be sent as Dead Letters to the General Post Office." About 25 persons were on the list, and under G., was Mathias Gosset. Signed by "William Sommerville, P. M. (Postmaster), Post Office, Martinsburgh, July 6, 1810.” Vol. 12, No 10, p. 4.
The above notices were published about three times, and the persons given about 3 months to pick up their mail. Assumption can be made that their mail had not been picked up for some time before the notice was published.
The notice could mean several things. It could mean the person has died and the Post Master hadn’t been informed about the death. It could mean simply that the person had not picked up their mail. It could mean that the person didn’t get into town frequently or may have been on a business or family trip.
On 10 Jan 1812, page 3, a 3-month notice from the Post Master included “D. Samuel Dunham, Back-Creek." This was the neighbor of Matthias Gossett Sr., and his son Jacob’s father-in-law, or brother-in-law.
On 10 April, 1812, the 3-month notice was given for Samuel Dunham and James Dunham, which could be Jacob Gossett’s father-in-law or two brothers-in-law.
On 24 April & 1 May 1812, mail notice was for James Dunham, Jacob Gossett’s brother-in-law.
On 9 Oct 1812, the mail notice was made to John Gossett, probably the son of Matthias Gossett, Jr.
On 16 October 1812 repeated mail notice to John Gossett. This was John, the probably son of Matthias Gossett Jr., who himself was making the move, following his father Matthias Gossett Jr. to Ohio.
Newspapers were read through 1814, with no other Gossetts mentioned in any way, at least to the best of our ability to read the microfilm, and realizing that various issues were missing.
It was surprising to see how little local news and information was contained. Yet, given transportation and communication, the outside news definitely traveled more quickly than information of those who lived in the region.
The most that can be obtained in this review is that Matthias Gossett Sr. was older and hadn’t picked up his mail by 27 July 1810, in a timely fashion, because he later signed a final deed in 1811. And the absence of John Gossett after 16 Oct 1812, presumed son of Matthias Gossett Jr., probably is because he made his move to Ohio with his new bride, following the death of Matthias Gossett Sr., John’s grandfather.
One final thought is this notice may be mail for Matthias Gossett Jr., in light of the fact that there isn’t a designation of senior or junior on the mail, as there is on most Tithable lists.
The name of Gossett didn’t appear in the newspaper any other type of notice, legal proceeding, request, or whatever, following 16 Oct 1812 through 1814.
Related Land Documents
Matthias Gossett Sr. (1736-1812?) was present in Loudoun Cnty, VA, 1758-1764, +1771; also Frederick Cnty, Virginia, acquiring and selling/leasing land from 2 Jun 1766-1769. In 1772 the northern third of Frederick Cnty, became Berkeley Cnty. In 1772 he appeared on Indentures or tax rolls in Berkeley Cnty including property where he made his home, according to tax records, from 1772 until 1812.
The authors have copies of various legal documents pertaining to Matthias Gossett, Sr., in bold type; other references as indicated.
Lease Indenture, 12 Sep 1758, to Matthias Gossett, Mary, his wife, and John Gossett, his son. 150 acres. Loudoun Cnty, VA, Deed Book A, 1757-1760, p. 201.
Lease Indenture, 13 May 1761, to Matthias Gossett, Mary, his wife, and John Gossett, his son. 140 acres. Loudoun Cnty, VA, Deed Book B, 1760-1761, p. 197.
Lease Indenture,14 Sep 1762, Matthias Gossett assigning his lease of 150 acres. Loudoun Cnty, VA, Deed Book C,1761-1763, p. 386.
6 Aug 1764, Matthias Gossett, a defendant at court, is a potter. Loudoun Cnty, VA, Order Book B, 1762-1765, pp. 426 & 657. See same reference above for 09 Nov 1763, chapter on Trades and Profession.
22 Oct 1764, Frederick Cnty, VA lease for 202 acres.
Lease Indenture, 02 Jun 1766, Frederick Cnty, VA, in Frederick Cnty (now Berkeley) VA (WV), Fairfax to Matthias Gossett, on the drains of the Opeckon River, 350 acres.
20 Jun 1771, Loudoun Cnty, VA, Deed Book H, 1770-1772, p. 180. “Matthias Gossett of the County of Loudoun.”
Land Deed, 2 Jun 1761, Frederick Co, VA, Lord Fairfax to Matthias Gossett, 350 acres, land lying on the Drains of Opeckon (Referenced as part of Lease in Frederick Co, VA, 7 Dec 1773, between Daniel Sowers to Joseph Lacey, Bk 16, p. 342). (The authors believe that this reference to 1761 is incorrect, because the original copy clearly shows 1766 The quoted source was copied incorrectly from the document). Source 2 & see below, Land Deed, 2 Jun 1766, Frederick Co, VA).
Land Deed, 9 Nov 1762, Frederick Co, VA, 50 acres on Drains of the Opeckon, Ben Garden Tract, Matthias Gossett listed as “other land owner.” (Bk 2, p. 516).Land Deed, 2 Jun 1766, Frederick Co, VA, 350 acres on the Drains of the Opeckon River, (Bk 12, p. 17).
Lease, 6 Nov 1769, Frederick Co, VA, Matthias Gossett, Sr., to John Rees, 350 acres, (Bk 13, p. 260). Source 1.
Release, 7 Nov 1769, Frederick Co, VA, Matthias Gossett and Mary his wife to John Rees, 350 acres, (Bk 13, p. 161). Source 1.
Land Deed, 7 Nov 1769, Frederick Co, VA, Mary Littler (mother-in-law of Matthias Gossett, Sr.) sold to Matthias Gossett, Sr., 257 acre section. Source 1.
Land Document, 1772, Berkeley Co, VA. 31 7/8 acres (Bk 2, P 254).
Indenture, 12 Mar 1773, Berkeley Co, VA, John Neill to Matthias Gossett, Sr., 100 acres on Back Creek, (Bk 1, pages 470-473). This property contained a house.
Lease, 1 May 1773, Frederick Co, VA, Matthias Gossett of Berkeley & Colony of VA to Nathan Pusey of Frederick Co, VA…Tract of Land lying & being in County of Frederick…and part of a larger Tract granted to Mary Littler Containing 499 acres by deed under the Hand and Seal of …Thomas Lord Fairfax 6 Aug 1767...and by said Mary Littler conveyed to said Matthias Gossett by Deed, etc. (Bk 16, p. 167). Source 2.
Release, 2 May 1773, Frederick Co, VA, between Matthias Gossett and Mary his wife of County of Berkeley to Nathan Pusey, 2 Tracts of Land (same as above) Signed by both Matthias and Mary Littler Gossett. (Bk 16, p. 169). Source 2
Unknown, 1789, 190 Acres on Back Creek, Berkeley Co, VA, Book 1, p. 54, from Sims Index to Land Grants in West Virginia, Berkeley Co, VA, 1762-1863.
Land Warrant, 15 Aug 1793, Bedford Co, Pennsylvania, 300 acres, purchase by either Matthias Gossett, Sr. or Matthias Gossett, Jr. or another Matthias, Pennsylvania Land Warrants, 1733-1987, also, PA Archives, Vol. 25, p. 524.
Indenture, 9 Apr 1796, Berkeley, Co, VA, Matthias Gossett, Sr., and Mary his wife, to George Lamon, 111 acres on Back Creek, (Bk 12, p. 518). Last deed signed by Mary Gossett.
Unknown, 1797, 4.5 Acres on Back Creek, Berkeley Co, VA, Book 1, p. 205, from Sims Index to Land Grants in West Virginia, Berkeley Co, VA, 1762-1863.
Indenture, 8 Oct 1804,Berkeley, Co, VA, Matthias Gossett, Sr., to his son Jacob Gossett, of Montgomery Co, KY, Property on Back Creek, 90 acres, (Deed Bk 19, p. 185).
Land Deed, 1811, Berkeley, Co, VA, Matthias Gossett, Sr., 100 acres on Back Creek sold to William Hartsock. (Deed Bk.12, p. 518). Matthias Gossett, Jr., witness on deed.. Newcomer,
p. 67.Miscellaneous Documents of Probable Siblings & Nephews of Matthias Gossett, Sr.
Indenture, to Robert Eyre, 1 Jan 1777, Berkeley Co, VA, land on the Drains of the Opeckon, etc., witnesses included William Gossett and Morgan Morgan, husband of Mary Gossett. (Document difficult to read).
Witness to Will of Thomas Rees, 28 Nov 1776-Apr 1783, William Gossett and Morgan Morgan, husband of Mary Gossett. Abstracts of Wills, Inventories and Administrative Accounts of Frederick Cnty,VA, 1743-1800, by J. Estelle Stewart King, 1980.
Appraisal of Estate of Abner Gossett, Frederick Cnty, VA Court, 19 Apr 1799, Winchester, VA, Will Book 67, p. 462-463. Presumed son of William Gossett, who was bondsman of marriage of Abner Gossett and Mary Mercer, 23 Dec 1797, Berkeley Cnty, VA.
Marriage of William Gossett, Jr. 4 Jun 1789, Berkeley Cnty, VA, to Nancy Ann Smith, presumed son of William Gossett. Nancy Ann Smith was the 8th of 11 children of Captain Jeremiah Smith. (Source 6).
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