Virkus, Frederick A. (ed.), The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy/First Families of America/A Genealogical Encyclopedia of The United States. Seven volumes were published between 1925 and 1942 -- and reprinted many times since. Virkus organized the impressive-sounding (if somewhat redundantly titled) "The American Institute of American Genealogy" and invited the public to submit genealogies for inclusion in his volumes -- without verification and, in most cases, without references or records.
Turk, Marion G., The Quiet Adventurers in America – Channel Island Settlers in the American Colonies and in the United States, Cleveland, OH, Genie Repros (1975).
Jerkins, Grace M. Chronicles of The Gossett Family, North Newton, KS, Mennonite Press, Inc.(1985).