Larry R. Gossett
Personal and Family Information
Larry was born in Illinois, the son of Ralph S. Gossett and Martha "June" Lawyer. The date is not known.
His wife was Vicky Lou Harris, who he married on 09 DEC 1972. The place has not been found. Their three known children were Scott (?-?), Joe (?-?) and Sarah (?-?).
Pedigree Chart (3 generations)
Note 1
Larry R. Gossett, Vicky L. Harris
- Public Member Trees
Source: | Public Member Trees |
Authors: | |
Publisher: | Name: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006;; |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Ralph S. GOSSETT |
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Larry R Gossett |
- Gravestone
Page: | Database online. |
Text: | Record for Larry R Gossett |