John David Gossett


Personal and Family Information

John was born in 1879, the son of William Decatur Gossett and Mary Emma Hartsock. The place is not known.

His wife is not known. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their three known children were Willard Allen (?-?), John Richard (?-?) and Gerald Webb (?-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


John David Gossett


William Decatur Gossett


John A. Gossett


Amariah Gossett


Lydia Evans


Nancy Dunlap


Mary Emma Hartsock





  1. The Family of Gossett
    Source: The Family of Gossett
    Authors: Evangeline Gossett Newcomer
    Publisher: Name: Date: 1954;;
    Text: Gosset(t) family history included in 188 pages including photographs and misc materials. Available online.