Images of Historic New Castle, Delaware, and John Gossett's Land
© 2013 by James Michael GossettAll materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of the authors. However, you may download material for your personal, noncommercial use only.
New Castle, DE, was founded in 1651. Our ancestor, John Gossett, had a farm, 25 miles south of New Castle in the first quarter of the 1700s. It passed to his wife, Jane, upon his death in 1730, and then to their two younger sons (James and William) upon her death. I've long wanted to visit the site of the farm and New Castle. I had the opportunity in early October, 2012. Amazingly, what was once John's farm is still farmland today. I feared it would now be a Walmart or Target. Very cool!
The City of New Castle from above the Delaware River -- Battery Park and the Wharf in foreground. (Image from
A view of the Town Square and Delaware Street. (Image from
Old Courthouse on left; Town Hall on right.
Statue of William Penn on the New Castle Green.
Old, rough, cobblestone street.
Immanuel Protestant Episcopal Church (founded 1689; erected 1703).
Images of the Gossett land, south of New Castle