Documentation: A Refractometer-Based Method to Estimate %ABV
in Fermenting and Finished Beers
© James
M. Gossett (March 29, 2012) Questions/Comments?
Stoichiometry of Ethanol Production From Maltose
Contribution of Ethanol to Apparent Brix
Measurement of %ABV Using Brix Refractometry
Derivation of Calculator Equations
Evaluation of The Method: Comparing Estimated and Measured %ABV
My motivation for developing such a method
is simple: I want to throw away my
hydrometer! Refractometers
are more convenient than hydrometers.
Refractometers require far less sample –
a couple of drops vs. 75-90 mL. And since the mass (and heat capacity)
of the refractometer far exceeds that of the sample,
the sample is rapidly cooled to within the range of the refractometerÕs
automatic temperature compensation (ATC) mechanism. Thus, samples donÕt require
cooling all the way to near-ambient temperature before measurement. By contrast, cooling a sometimes
boiling-hot 75-90 mL wort sample down to a
temperature suitable for applying corrections to hydrometer readings is a
There are empirical, polynomial
equations available that allow one to estimate the original specific gravity
(OG) of wort from an initial refractometer
reading. Likewise, there are
empirical, polynomial equations to estimate final specific gravity (FG) from initial
and final refractometer readings. Thus, most brewers who wish to rely
solely on their refractometers will convert readings
to estimated OG and FG, and will then use those estimates in one of many
available equations or web-based calculators intended for computing % alcohol
by volume (%ABV) from hydrometer measurements of OG and FG.
This strikes me as unnecessarily
circuitous and inelegant. The
refractometer and the hydrometer are both indirect
measures of what the brewer would like to know: namely, how much carbohydrate was in the
initial wort and how much remains in the fermented beer. So, converting one indirect measure (the
refractometer reading) to another (the hydrometer
reading) is not a very satisfying solution. Furthermore, one seldom finds
explanation (or demonstration of accuracy) for any of the hydrometer-based
methods used to compute %ABV. WhatÕs
their underlying basis? How
accurate are they?
Essence of the Calculation Model
What I have done is to start,
essentially, from ground zero.
First, a stoichiometry was developed
that quantifies the productions of ethanol (EtOH), CO2,
and new yeast biomass per gram maltose consumed in fermentation. This stoichiometry was based on the
bioenergetics of carbohydrate fermentation, with some reasonable assumptions
about cellular energy efficiencies and the specific-decay rate of yeast biomass
during extended, batch fermentation.
The resulting stoichiometry is very similar to that observed in the
mid-19th century by Carl J. N. Balling.
Second, the contribution that EtOH makes to apparent Brix (as measured by refractometry) was quantified through experiments. Based upon this quantified relationship,
a simple experimental method was developed to measure %ABV in fermented worts and
finished beers. The method is based
upon noting the difference in Brix measured (via refractometer)
on a sample, compared with that measured after boiling off 75%-80% of the
sample volume, then restoring the lost volume with water. This experimental assay method was
tested on EtOH standards, both in water and in
aqueous solutions with a background of 10 g sucrose/100 mL.
Third, the calculator model was
developed for estimating %ABV in fermented worts and
beers from pre-fermentation and post-fermentation refractometry. It assumes that %ABV can be estimated
from stoichiometry if the carbohydrate (ÒextractÓ) consumption from
fermentation is known. And the
difference between initial (pre-fermentation) and final (post-fermentation)
Brix measurements (ÆBrix) is a measure of carbohydrate consumption in
fermentation – if the final Brix is corrected for the contribution that
produced EtOH makes to the final Brix. This is seemingly a circular problem
(i.e., estimating %ABV depends on estimating consumption of carbohydrate, yet
estimating carbohydrate consumption from ÆBrix depends on correcting for
%ABV). In reality, it is merely two
equations in two unknowns – and therefore readily solvable, given the
quantified relationship between EtOH and Brix
established in the preceding phase of the work.
Finally, estimates from my completely
Brix-based method were compared to measured %ABV of 12 beers. Hydrometer measurements were also made,
and my Brix- based method was compared to estimates of %ABV obtained from four
of the most popular methods that use hydrometer-measured OG and FG as inputs.
Before wading into the details, letÕs
address some possible points of confusion, and establish some conventions for terminology.
Conventions and Terminology
a Hydrometer Measures
Fundamentally, a hydrometer measure the
specific gravity (SG) of solutions and suspensions (1.000 being the SG of water; 1.040 to 1.100
being the SG range most often encountered with sweet worts
destined to become beers). Since
the density or specific gravity of a solution changes with temperature, a
standard temperature must specified for reporting purposes. For brewing, it is generally 15ûC
(59ûF). If SG is measured at
some other temperature, the measured value must be corrected to 15ûC before
The hydrometer often has multiple
scales, allowing the user the option to report these gravities in other
units. For example, my hydrometer
has alternative scales for Ò% potential alcohol by volume,Ó and ÒBrix or
Balling.Ó Many hydrometers have a
scale to report Òdegrees Plato.Ó While there are arcane differences among
them, for our purposes, Brix, Balling and Plato scales are
interchangeable. The differences
are too small (less than 0.001 units Brix/Balling/Plato) to detect with the
instruments weÕre discussing – hydrometers and simple refractometers.
The Brix/Balling/Plato scales are derived from percentage by weight of sucrose
solutions – i.e., 1 Brix/Plato/Balling is 1 wt% sucrose (1 gram sucrose per 100 grams
solution). A hydrometer scale
marked in Brix/Plato/Balling has merely provided a convenient conversion
between what is fundamentally measured by the hydrometer (SG) and this other
means of expression. Roughly,
a SG of 1.040 is about 10 Brix/Plato/Balling.
a Refractometer Measures
Fundamentally, the refractometer
measures the index of refraction of light by a solution. However, most refractometers
used by brewers and vintners report results in Brix (note: formally it is Òdegrees Brix,Ó but most
users drop the ÒdegreesÓ and merely report readings as ÒBrixÓ). Refraction is
temperature-dependent. Therefore,
some standard temperature must be specified. For refractometry,
the standard, reference temperature is 20ûC (68ûF).
Points of Confusion
Most commercial brewers report original
and final gravities (OG and FG) in Plato units, but their measurements come
from hydrometers, not refractometers. While there is a simple conversion
between original SG and Brix/Balling/Plato, there is no such simple conversion
possible between final SG and Brix/Balling/Plato. Why? Because of the
presence of alcohol (ethanol, EtOH) in the fermented
beer. Increase in EtOH during fermentation causes SG to be lower than would
otherwise be the case, because EtOH is less dense
than water. In fact, very
high-strength beers will have final SG < 1.000, even though they still
contain unfermented carbohydrate.
On the other hand, EtOH causes refractometer readings to be higher than would otherwise be
the case, because EtOH, itself, contributes to
refraction. Thus, the final FG
measured by hydrometer and reported in Plato will be much less than if measured
by refractometry and reported in Plato. If the intent is to know Òresidual
carbohydrateÓ in the fermented beer, the presence of EtOH
will cause hydrometry to underestimate it and refractometry to overestimate it.
ItÕs imperative to know what instrument
has been used to measure initial and final conditions – hydrometer or refractometer – because mistakes can be made in using
equations designed for Plato data from hydrometry
if you, instead, input Plato data from refractometry.
Adopted Here
To avoid confusion I am adopting the
following conventions here: I refer
to hydrometer readings and ÒgravitiesÓ (SG, OG, and FG) only in specific-gravity
units (usually reported to 0.001 units) – not in Brix, Balling, or Plato; and I refer to
refractometer readings only in Brix (usually reported
to 0.1 units). This convention will be followed, regardless
of the fact that some models of both types of instruments allow readout in
Brix, Balling, or Plato. I am
avoiding entirely the use of Balling or Plato – not because theyÕre
inferior means of expression, but simply to avoid ambiguity. In the brewing literature, when one
encounters ÒBrix,Ó it is almost always in the context of refractometry.
Ambiguity occurs more frequently with
respect to Balling or Plato.
In Sections Following This OneÉ
In succeeding sections, the following
are presented: preliminary consideration of fermentation stoichiometry;
experimental measurement of EtOH contribution to
apparent Brix; a
Brix-based, boiling-and-reconstitution method for analyzing %ABV in fermented wort and finished beer; derivation of equations used in the
Brix-based calculator; and
comparison between estimated and measured %ABV for 12 beers, using the
proposed, Brix-based web-calculator.